Your Link to

Local Cuisine

Has eating healthy always been your dream, but you

never find the time?

We cooked you up something special!

Now you can eat well, save time, money, AND support culinary enthusiasts in your neighborhood!

Linkitch - you link to a happier diet!

About the App

Healthy, Local, Divine

Finding the time and energy to prepare home-cooked meals can be a daunting task. At the end of a hectic day, dining out or ordering in might feel like the quickest, easiest option. However, convenience and processed food can take a significant toll on your mood and health.

Sure, you can jump on a food delivery app for large restaurant chains, but 50% of full-service restaurant meals and 70% of fast-food meals are of poor dietary quality. Additionally they cook the same things in their menu, the exact same way ALL THE TIME, BORING!! Sure, you can order healthy meals that still need to be cooked but doesn’t that defeat the purpose? Do you really have the time to cook and clean? That is assuming that you know how to.

Luckily, there is a better way! Download Linkitch and connect with local home cooks and culinary experts! Our app works both ways: cooks build a veritable business with little or no overhead cost while doing what they love, and you get to enjoy tasty, healthy, affordable ethnic-based cuisine every day!

We scratch your healthy food itch and link you to the best chefs in the neighborhood.

Linkitch - A better way to eat.

Taste. Health. Community.

Get it all today with LinkItch.


Linkitch - you link to a happier diet!

Get healthy and fresh home-cooked meals anytime you desire. Choose pickup or delivery, and schedule future meals on your terms— No more unhealthy fast foods as a last resort. Choose your lunch or dinner before you get out to work and have it delivered or pick it up freshly cooked and ready to it on your way back. Hot , fresh, healthy and ethnic food of your choice ready when you get home and your kitchen stays clean. Moore importantly, you stretch out and rest. You and your loved ones deserve LinkItch.

Happier Taste Buds

Try differentand ethnic based cuisines and flavors safely, affordably, and conveniently. Variety is the spice of life. Add some spice to your meals today!

Better Community

Support enthusiastic home-based cooks in your neighborhood. They get started with little or no overhead cost, you enjoy their cuisines, and your community thrives!

Contact Us

Got a question? Let us link you

to an answer!

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